Mountain Shadows Phonemic Awarenss Scale (MS-PAS)
Administration Instructions-A
Administration Instructions-B
Score Sheet
MS-PAS Page 1
MS-PAS Page 2
MS-PAS Page 3
MS-PAS Page 4
MS-PAS Page 5
MS-PAS Page 6
Watkins, M. W., & Edwards, V. A. (2004). Assessing early literacy skills with the Mountain Shadows Phonemic Awareness Scale (MS-PAS). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 22, 3-14.
Nelson, J. M. (2008). Psychometric evaluation of the Mountain Shadows Phonemic Awareness Scale with a kindergarten sample. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 26, 287-298.
MacKappa (computer software). Pennsylvania State University, 1998. To assess any bias between expert and non-expert scorers, a paired t-test was used to test the null hypothesis that the means derived from the two scorer cohorts did not differ at P. Marley Watkins software (Free Downloads) Description Macintosh EXCEL spreadsheet template for performing syndromic profile analysis of Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents scores. A 25K self-extracting file. Macintosh EXCEL spreadsheet template that tests the significance of difference between correlations (both independent and dependent). A 25K self-extracting file. Termined by the MacKappa software module (20). Results The described synovial scoring system detected highly signifi cant differences between knee joint synovia from nor-mal (NOC) animals and meniscect-omised (OA) sheep for infl ammatory cell infi ltration, subintimal fi brosis, vas-cularity, and aggregate score (Table II).
Psychoeducational report, recall measure, and satisfaction measure (in pdf format) from: Miller, J. A., & Watkins, M. W. The use of graphs to communicate psychoeducational test results to parents.
Watkins, M. W., & Browning, L. J. (2015). The Baylor revision of the Motivation to Read Survey (B-MRS). Research and Practice in the Schools, 3, 37-50.
All programs 64 bit as of April, 2020
Title | ||
ASCA Assistant | A standalone scoring program for the Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents (ASCA). It also performs syndromic profile analysis, discriminant analysis, and situtype analysis. Only for those who own ASCA manual and protocols. | |
MacParallel Analysis | A standalone program that contains tables of eigenvalues produced by Monte Carlo simulations for determination of Parallel Analysis criteria. | |
Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis | A standalone program that computes Parallel Analysis criteria (eigenvalues) by performing a Monte Carlo simulation based on the number of subjects, variables, and repetitions. | |
A standalone program that calculates r-to-z and z-to-r. | ||
Ability-Achievement Discrepancy Analysis | A standalone program that performs a simple regression-based prediction of achievement for determination of a severe ability-achievement discrepancy. | |
Rc Coefficient of Congruence | A standalone program that calculates the coefficient of congruence for comparing factor solutions from different studies or different samples. | |
A standalone program that calculates diagnostic efficiency statistics: sensitivity, specificity, false positive rate, false negative rate, positive and negative predictive power, odds ratio, Kappa, AUC, etc. | ||
ROC Analysis | A standalone program that graphs the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and calculates the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) using a nonparametric method. | |
A standalone program that calculates the chi-square statistic for 2x2 to 10x10 contingency tables. Also calculates the contingency, phi, and kappa statistics. | ||
Probability Calc | A standalone program that calculates the probability of z, t, F, and chi-square values. | |
A standalone program that calculates Holm's sequential Bonferroni method to maintain experimentwise error rates at a desired alpha level. | ||
RandomNum | A standalone program that generates random numbers from uniform and normal distributions. | |
RangeRestrict | A standalone program that computes the correlation when the variability of scores in a sample is smaller than that found in the population. | |
CorrectAttenuation | A standalone program that estimates the correlation that would be obtained if two perfectly reliable measures had been used. | |
A standalone program that calculates independent and dependent t-tests from group data (mean, standard deviation, correlation). | ||
MacKappa | A standalone program that calculates general and partial kappa coefficients for nominal data. | |
A standalone program that calculates chronological age when given date of birth and date of test. | ||
rProphecy | A standalone program that calculates the Spearman-Brown 'Prophecy' formula that estimates the reliability of a test if its number of items is altered. | |
A standalone program that calculates effect sizes (Cohen's d, r, Glass's Δ, Common Language Effect Size) given appropriate means and standard deviations. | ||
MacOrtho | A standalone program that transforms an hierarchical higher-order factor analysis solution into an orthogonal solution as described by Schmid and Leiman (1957). | |
A standalone program that calculates Mahalanobis distance for multiple cases, given entry of an inverted covariance matrix. | ||
Pairwise Tests | A standalone program that calculates three Pairwise Tests: simple Bonferroni adjustment, Holm's sequential Bonferroni method, and Benjamin and Hochberg's False Discovery Rate. | |
A standalone program that estimates the sample size needed for a specified coefficient alpha, given the Type I error rate and effect size. | ||
rCI | A standalone program that computes the confidence interval of a correlation coefficient. | |
rSim | A standalone program that interactively simulates how the 95% confidence interval and statistical significance (p ≠ 0) of the correlation coefficient vary as a function of sample size. | |
A standalone program that calculates three indices of factorial invariance: the coefficient of congruence, a chi-square goodness of fit test, and Cattell's Salient Variable Similarity index. | ||
MacPotthoff | A standalone program that performs Potthoff regression bias analysis. | |
A standalone program that calculates the Reliable Change Index (RCI) of Jacobson and Truax (1991). | ||
Standard Score Converter | A standalone program that converts raw scores to standard scores and converts between standard scores, including z, T, deviation IQ, NCE, percentile, etc. | |
A standalone program that calculates positive predictive power, given prevalence and test results. | ||
SEscree | A standalone program that quantifies the visual scree test to determine the number of factors to retain in exploratory factor analysis. | |
A standalone program that calculates tests of dependent and independent means, variances, correlations, proportions, alpha coefficients, and AUCs from group data. | ||
Reliability of Difference Scores | A standalone program that calculates the reliability of difference scores, given the reliability of two tests and the correlation between those two tests. | |
BMI Calculator | A standalone program that calculates the Body Mass Index for adults given height and weight. | |
CIeigenvalue | A standalone program that computes the confidence intervals of obtained eigenvalues as per Larsen and Warne (2010). | |
EDPcalc | A standalone program for evidence-based practice that computes posterior probability when given prior probability and likelihood ratio. | |
ChiSquareDiff | A standalone Macintosh program to compute the statistical significance of chi-square difference tests as typically used in comparisons of nested SEM models in EQS, LISREL, and Mplus SEM software as per Bryant and Satorra (2012). | |
Omega | A standalone program to compute omega and omega hierarchical, measures of measurment precision or reliability, using standardized loadings from a confirmatory factor analysis. Also includes ECV, H, and PUC values in addition to omega. | |
alpha | A standalone program to compute the alpha coefficient of internal consistency. | |
CoinFlip | A standalone program that uses a random number generator to simulate coin flips. | |
MaxR | A standalone program that computes the maximum validity coefficient given the reliability of two tests. | |
Windows | Structure Coefficients | A standalone program that computes the structure coefficient matrix from the pattern matrix and the matrix of factor intercorrelations. |
Higher-Order | A standalone program that computes the loading of a second-order factor onto the observed variables given the pattern coefficients from first-order factoring. | |
Partial Correlation | A standalone program that computes the partial correlation given reliability and correlation. | |
Multiple Correlation | A standalone program that computes the multiple correlation and squared multiple correlation of each variable with all the other variables in a correlation matrix. | |
Windows | RegPart | A standalone program that computes Pratt's measure of the relative importance of predictor variables in linear regression. |
Windows | Cor<>Cov | A standalone program that converts correlation matrices to covariance matrices and vice versa. |
Windows | AIC | A standalone program that computes AIC difference, Akaike weights, and Akaike evidence ratios. |
BIC | A standalone program that identifies the most plausible model using BIC posterior and BIC factor values. | |
ICLbic | A standalone program that computes the Integrated Classification Likelihood with Bayesian-type Approximation (ICLbic; Biernacki, Celeux, & Govaert, 2000). | |
Visual Bayes | A standalone program that visually displays a Bayesian approach to positive predictive power, given prevalence and test results. | |
Polya's Urn | A standalone program that displays a simulation of Polya's urn: a sampling distribution demonstration that illustrates how small imbalances can be magnified over time. | |
Mac | Residuals | A standalone program that describes a residual matrix in terms of RMSR and numbers of residuals >.05 and >.10. |
Mac | Multicollinearity | A standalone program to compute Haitovsky's (1969) test of singularity for a correlation matrix. If statistically significant, the correlation matrix is not suitable for further statistical manipulation. |
(Click on the Mac for Macintosh and Windows for Windows operating system versions) |
These are other Macintosh software packages used for data analysis beyond those for regression, ANOVA, or time series analysis. You may also wish to see the list of general-purpose mathematical analysis packages. Don't forget to see the bottom of the page for software that's been abandoned but may still be useful in Classic.
Graphing and data visualization packages are on another page.
Updated 2/18/2020
Windows survey software we have tested was excessively hard to use and/or hideously overpriced. The two best options we’ve seen are the free, open-source LimeSurvey, and SurveySaid (an online program which generates html or Java code, which the user can host on their own servers to maintain security; thanks, Marty Einhorn.)
There are also free and moderately priced Web-based solutions, but these all seem to require you to store data on their servers, which is inappropriate or unwise for many surveys. Some are also slow for the respondents or make it clear that you are using a free service.
Configurations Available: Mac, Linux, Windows
Price: Free (and open source)
Listing updated 2-18-2020
Michael Barton pointed out that GRASS is used for geographic resources data management, image processing, graphics production, spatial modelling, and visualization of many types of data. It is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.
Originally developed by the Army as a tool for land management and environmental planning, GRASS is a powerful utility with a wide range of applications in many different areas of scientific research. GRASS is currently used in academic, government, and commercial settings.
GRASS 6 added a new topological 2D/3D vector engine and support for vector network analysis. Attributes are now managed in a SQL-based DBMS. A new display manager has been implemented. The NVIZ visualization tool was enhanced to display 3D vector data and voxel volumes. Messages are partially translated with support for FreeType fonts, including multibyte Asian characters. New LOCATIONs can be auto-generated by EPSG code number. GRASS is integrated with GDAL/OGR libraries to support an extensive range of raster and vector formats, including OGC-conformal Simple Features.
Quantum GIS
Configurations Available: Mac, Linux, Windows
Current version: 3.10.2
Price: Free (and open source)
Signed for newer Mac versions
Listing updated 2-18-2020; last release, 1/17/2020
Quantum GIS is a somewhat less powerful but easy to use GIS package for Mac, Linux, and Windows. It is also an Open Source Geospatial Foundation project, and it supports numerous vector, raster, and database formats and functions.
GMT for geographic and Cartesian data
Configurations Available: Mac (under X11), Linux, UNIX, OS/2, Windows [requires Cygwin or VirtualBox for full function]
Current Version: 6.0.0 (released Nov. 2019)
Price: Free (and open source)
Listing updated 2-18-2020
GMT is an open source collection of many tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views.
gretl does time series and other statistics; it is in our “special purpose and general math programs” page.
Version 3.7; Automator, Spotlight support;
Price: $100, available in the Mac App Store, Lite version $10; volume discounts
Listing updated 2-18-2020; software updated 2019
Published by Spectraworks, kSpectra Toolkit is “a set of programs for advanced spectral analysis of univariate or multivariate time series arising in many of the physical sciences, ranging from electrical engineering and physics to geophysics and oceanography, as well as biomedical sciences. The toolkit contains procedures for estimating the spectrum of a time series, decomposing the time series into trends, oscillatory components, and noise, and reconstructing the contributions of selected components of the time series,” according to the web site.
Dennis Kahlbaum wrote: “makes time series analysis relatively easy via GUI and built-in functions/methods.”
Configurations available: MacOS X, Windows
Price: comes with the ActivStats e-book @ $39
Listing updated 2/18/2020
Multimedia product designed to teach college-level statistics (with emphasis on DataDesk). Appears to be somewhat dated, since it's paired with DataDesk 6.3 and DataDesk itself is on 8.1.
Stat-Ease Design Expert
See the main page.
Configurations available: OS X (Intel only)
Current version: 2016e
Price: free (open source)
Listing updated 1/2/2017
gretl is a cross-platform software package for econometric analysis, written in the C programming language. It is is free, open-source software that reads in numerous formats and can link to R. Features include an easy, intuitive interface, a wide variety of estimators, time series methods, output in tabular, equation, or LaTeX formats, a scripting language, command loop structure, and GUI for fine tuning graphs. (Thanks, Rudi Bekkers).
Specialty software from Marley Watkins
This software is available from Marley Watkins at (Thanks, Tricia Jones). Some of this software is PowerPC based and will not run under Lion; some are OS 9 based; other programs are Intel-based or universal binaries. There are some Excel spreadsheets, some FutureBASIC and BASIC programs as well.
- MacParallel Analysis: tables of eigenvalues produced by Monte Carlo simulations.
- Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis: computes Parallel Analysis criteria (eigenvalues) via Monte Carlo simulation.
- r To z Conversion: calculates r-to-z and z-to-r.
- Ability-Achievement Discrepancy Analysis: regression-based prediction of achievement for determination of a severe ability-achievement discrepancy.
- Coefficient of Congruence: calculates the coefficient of congruence for comparing factor solutions from different studies or different samples.
- Diagnostic Utilitity Statistics: calculates diagnostic efficiency statistics: sensitivity, specificity, false positive rate, false negative rate, positive and negative predictive power, odds ratio, Kappa, etc.
- ROC Analysis: graphs the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and calculates the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) using a nonparametric method.
- Chi-Square Analysis: calculates the chi-square statistic for 2x2 to 10x10 contingency tables. Also calculates the contingency, phi, and kappa statistics.
- Probability Calc: calculates the probability of Z, t, F, and chi-square values.
- MacBonferroni calculates Holm's sequential Bonferroni method to maintain error rates at a desired alpha level.
- RandomNum generates random numbers within a range specified by the user.
- UNITcalc calculates profile scores on the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test as per Wilhoit & McCallum (2002).
- Simple t calculates independent and dependent t-tests from group data (mean, standard deviation, correlation).
- MacKappa calculates general and partial kappa coefficients for nominal data.
- CAcalculator-Revised calculates chronological age when given date of birth and date of test
- rDiff calculates the reliability of difference scores, given the reliability of two tests and the correlation between then.
- rProphecy calculates the Spearman-Brown 'Prophecy' formula that estimates the reliability of a test if its number of items is altered.
- Effect Size Calculator calculates effect sizes (Cohen's d, r, Glass's ɢ, Common Language Effect Size) given appropriate means and standard deviations.
- MacOrtho transforms an hierarchical higher-order factor analysis solution into an orthogonal solution as described by Schmid and Leiman (1957).
- MacMahalanobis calculates Mahalanobis distance for multiple cases, given entry of an inverted covariance matrix.
- Pairwise Tests calculates three Pairwise Tests: simple Bonferroni adjustment, Holm's sequential Bonferroni method, and Benjamin and Hochberg's False Discovery Rate.
- alphaN estimates the sample size needed for a specified coefficient alpha, given the Type I error rate and effect size.
- rSim interactively simulates how the 95% confidence interval of the correlation coefficient and the statistical significance (p ≠ 0) vary as a function of sample size.
- ASCA Assistant for the Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents (ASCA). It also performs syndromic profile analysis, discriminant analysis, and situtype analysis. Only for those who own ASCA manual and protocols.
- Invariance calculates indices of factorial invariance: the coefficient of congruence, a chi-square goodness of fit test, and Cattell's Salient Variable Similarity index.
Insights (née Knowledge Miner (yX))
Configurations OS X 10.9 or newer, “optimized for 10.12”
Current Version: 6.3.2
Price: Free basic version; ranges from Advanced ($129) to Ultimate ($1,990) with $35 student version and educational pricing
Listing updated 2/18/2020; software last updated January 10, 2020

Knowledge Miner’s data mining tool can now stand on its own, without requiring Excel. It can build predictive and descriptive models — “explicit and complexity minimized mathematical models,” with the ability to self-select inputs and show their importance. It has three languages — English, Spanish, and German.
Since Insights is now standalone, it’s able to run as full 64-bit software with parallel processing, boosting speed dramatically. Excel support is optional, for importing directly from Excel 2011 or 2016. Models can be exported in various formats.
The $129 Advanced version forecasts complex time processes without models, automatically runs simulations or forecasts real-time data (storing up to 5 steps ahead — the Ultimate version goes up to 120), exports models in generic form, can run up to 100 inputs with 50,000 samples, and supports up to 100 forecasting steps.
The Professional edition also does cost-sensitive modeling (including ROC and cost curve plots), also exports models in Objective-C and AppleScript, can run up to 2,000 inputs, with one million samples, and has unlimited forecasting steps. Ultimate adds self-organization modeling of interdependent, complex systems, can export systems of equation in Excel, and can handle 25,000 potential inputs.
The company’s own description:
INSIGHTS is original 64-bit parallel software for building predictive models from data, automatically, by evolutionary, self-organizing modelling approaches. Taking observational data that describes a problem, system, or process, the software constructs a working mathematical model... its AI-powered, self-organizing, modeling algorithms allow users to easily extract new and useful knowledge to support decision-making. ... Users in nearly any field can employ the easy-to-use software to analyze noisy data sets and build powerful models, which can be used to help to gain new insights into complex phenomena, predict future behavior, simulate 'what-if' questions, and identify methods of controlling processes.
The software promises to hide the processes of model development, dimension reduction, variable selection, noise filtering, and model validation, self-organizing linear or nonlinear, static or dynamic regression models, to generate the equation that best describes the data. It also checks to see if the final model “reflects a valid relationship or if it just models noise.” It can create models for Status Quo or What-If problems, outputting models and model ensembles in ready-to-use Excel, Python, Matlab, AppleScript, or Objective-C code.
Bee Docs Timeline 3D
Price: free-$25
Listing last updated: 1-2-2017
Available in the Mac App Store
Makes pretty timelines.
Data transfer / translation
Version: 13
Price: $499 (commercial), $349 (academic), $49 (student); subscriptions also available
Listing last updated: 1-2-2020
Stat/Transfer can translate to and from most common statistical formats. It works surprisingly well, though you should check to make sure it can make the exact transitions you need.
General math software
Khalil Mack Apparel
Statistical analysis (particularly time series analysis) can also be done using general-purpose mathematical software (especially with optional or standard plugins) such as:
- Mathematica: Feature/version parity across Mac, Linux, Windows, and UNIX versions. Universal Binary; version 7 is current.
- MATLAB: Version 7.04 has parity with Windows, Linux, and UNIX. A large number of other products are also available from this publisher for the Mac. Gets considerable use for statistics, particularly Bayesian. $2150
- Maple: At version 10 with general feature parity across Mac and Windows; UNIX and Linux also available; Universal Binary. $2275..
- IDL: current version is 6.1 and OS X or UNIX native (past versions were PowerPC).
- LiveMath (formerly known as MathView, Theorist and also sold as MathPlus): current version 3.5 includes PowerPC or OS X native support and is a Universal Binary according to the company.
- MuPAD 'is a full-fledged computer algebra system for symbolic and numeric computing... [with a] user-friendly interface.'Pricing, version, and compatibility is no longer available from their web site.
Mackapar Shoe
Image extraction software
Also see image extraction software and our abandoned Mac statistics software page.
MacStats created in 1996 by Dr. Joel West; edited since 2005 by Dr. David Zatz of Toolpack Consulting. Copyright © 2005-2021 Zatz LLC. All rights reserved. Contact us.Terms/Privacy (end of page).