
The gospel is a message of God’s power. Human wisdom is useless for salvation. Only God’s power can set us free from our bondage to sin and death, changing us to faithful disciples of Jesus. Paul’s message touched their hearts and brought a change within that no man could ever hope to bring to the broken soul. Apple introduced a TextEditor in SwiftUI 2.0 in WWDC 20. This provides a multi-line editing capability that was previously missing. In this post we see capabilities on macOS 11+ with Swift 5.3.

Submission of Transactions Papers to the IEEE PES Via Author Upload to the PES Transactions Web Sites

Outline of procedure:

In order for Transactions papers to be submitted and reviewed, they must first be uploaded by the author onto Manuscript Central, sites on the World Wide Web where they can be accessed by the Transactions Editors-in-Chief, Editors and Reviewers. All uploaded papers must be the source document. If you are uploading a revised manuscript in response to a 'Revise and Resubmit' decision, please click here.

Papers Uploaded onto Manuscript Central by Authors


1. Prepare the Manuscript

It is important that you read all instructions thoroughly; we suggest that you print these instructions and fully prepare your manuscript before proceeding further with your submission.

Make sure that you follow the specifications in the PES Author's Kit and Publication Guide regarding format of the manuscript (see the PES Author's Kit). If you have questions about those requirements after reviewing the PES Author's Kit, section 2, please contact the PES Publications Coordinator at the PES Executive Office (r.scholnick@ieee.org).

2. Log in to Manuscript Central

Navigate to the Manuscript Central site of the Transactions to which you are submitting your paper:

  • Transactions on Energy Conversion:
  • Transactions on Power Delivery:
  • Transactions on Power Systems:
  • Transactions on Sustainable Energy:
  • Transactions on Smart Grid:
  • Power Engineering Letters:


You will have access to all five sites with a single account. If you are uncertain whether you have an existing account on Manuscript Central or if you have forgotten your User ID or Password, please check here first! DO NOT CREATE A SECOND ACCOUNT! If you have questions or problems with your account, please contact pes-mcreviewer@ieee.org.

3. Enter Manuscript Data, Designate Corresponding Author

a.Corresponding Author: The responsibilities of the Corresponding Author cannot be shared or delegated unless the Corresponding Author is willing to provide the designee with access to the user name, password and e-mail address of the Corresponding Author. Note: before sharing your password, you should know that if your sign-on data is shared with another individual, that person will have access to the manuscript and all information about papers and their status on which you are the corresponding author.

  • The author who logged in to upload the manuscript is automatically designated the 'Corresponding Author.'
Manuscript powerpoint background
  • The Corresponding Author of a particular paper cannot be changed to another individual.
  • All future communication regarding the paper will be through this individual.
  • Any revisions of the paper must be uploaded by the corresponding author only.
  • Only the corresponding author has the ability to check on the review status of the paper.

b. Enter the information as prompted on the screen. Your entries will appear on the subsequent screens; proofread the data in each step as you proceed. If there are errors, you can return to earlier pages and correct them.

c. When asked to input your list of authors, please do so in the same order they are listed on the manuscript. As noted above, the author who logged in to upload the manuscript is automatically designated the 'Corresponding Author,' and all future communication regarding the paper will be through this individual. Though there is room for three affiliations for each author, we request you fill in only the first as that is the only one that will be referenced.

d. Enter your manuscript title and the text of the abstract (you may copy and paste this information from your manuscript). Note: Even though the title and the abstract are included in the text of the manuscript, you must also enter them in this step because the Editorial Office uses these fields in a searchable database to expedite the review process.

It is important to understand that Greek letters and special characters such as mathematical symbols, as well as formatting codes such as italics, bold, and superscripts will not automatically convert to Web-compatible codes. Therefore you must use the Character Palette that is provided to ensure that the title and abstract appear as you wish in the submission information. On-screen instructions will help you.

4. Upload Manuscript

Using the browse button provided, locate your manuscript file on your computer and then click 'Upload' to place your manuscript file on the Web site.

5. Proofread Uploaded Manuscript

It's critical that you carefully proofread your manuscript. Look very carefully at all special characters, mathematical symbols, Greek letters, equations, and tables. Check your images for clarity and legibility.

If you find errors, go to your original document on your computer and make any necessary changes. Then return to the Author Center on Manuscript Central, click on the manuscript ID, and re-upload the manuscript, again proofing it carefully. If you continue to have problems, consider using the 'Create PDF' button in the Author Center to generate your file.

6. Submit the Manuscript

You may leave your manuscript in the Manuscript Center (it will stay in the Draft Center portion of the Author Center) and return later to review it. But please understand that until you click the 'SUBMIT' button, the manuscript will not enter the review process. Once you submit your manuscript you will not be able to make any changes to it unless requested to do so by the Editor-in-Chief as a result of the review process.

Please Note: It is extremely important that you check your PDF document while it is on the Manuscript Central site prior to clicking on the 'SUBMIT' button. If the manuscript is not reviewable (e.g., the text and figures are not clear and legible, or all figures are not present, or the format is not appropriate), you will be required to resubmit the paper onto Manuscript Central. The paper will not be reviewed until the manuscript is replaced with one that is reviewable. To avoid doing double work, please check your draft carefully prior to clicking the 'SUBMIT button!

Once you submit your manuscript you will get an immediate submission confirmation that provides you with a Manuscript Number. Be sure to make a record of this number. If your paper is accepted for publication, you will be required to provide this number.

Power Of Manuscript

Example of Submission Confirmation:

Successful Submission Confirmation Sep 24, 2001 16:15

Your manuscript has been successfully uploaded for review to IEEE Transactions on XXXX. Any further communication will be sent to you via e-mail.

Your manuscript number is : IEEE-XXXXX-XXXX

Please make note of your manuscript number. You will need the number in the event your manuscript is accepted for publication or for any communication regarding the paper.

You will receive an e-mail within 24 hours of submission confirming that your paper has entered the review process.

Print This Page

You will receive an e-mail within 24 hours of submission confirming that your paper has entered the review process.


Example of Confirming E-mail:

Dear Author:

Name, the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on XXXXX, acknowledges receipt of the following manuscript:

No. IEEE-00032-2001

Paper Title Goes Here

It is understood that this manuscript is entirely original, has not been copyrighted, published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere. If the material in this paper has been published before in any form, it is imperative that you inform me immediately.

You will be notified by e-mail when the review of this manuscript is completed. Please refer to the manuscript number in any communications regarding your manuscript. You may check the review status of your manuscript via the IEEE Manuscript Central web site by logging onto xxxx and selecting the Author Center. When the review of your manuscript has been completed, you will be notified of its disposition by e-mail and at that time reviewer comments will also be made available to you.


Name, Editor-in-Chief

7. Manuscript Checked for Reviewability, Editor-in-Chief Determines Appropriateness for Transactions

Manuscript Central Power Electronics


Illuminated Manuscript Powerpoint

After your paper has been submitted to Manuscript Central, it will be given a preliminary check to ensure that it is reviewable.